Handley Schlegel Swine

Lot Number:2
Start Time:7/27/2024 3:00:00 PM
Bid Count:13
Starting Bid:$100.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$11,000.00
Bidding complete
Add-on Total:$1,200.00

Show Placing: 1st
First Name: Handley
Last Name: Schlegel
FFA Chapter or 4H Club Name: Rocky Mountain 4-H
Species: Swine
Animal Weight (in Pounds): 278

Hi my name is Handley Schlegel and I am 10 years old.  I live in Burns, Colorado and this is my second year in 4H.  Thanks for supporting the Junior Livestock Auction! 

Western Welding$200.00
Umbrella Roofing$250.00
Liz and Ern Mooney $500.00
Mountain Water Works$150.00
ANB BANK$100.00
971-1097 Fairgrounds Rd
Eagle, Colorado 81631
United States